Monday, September 26, 2011


I am going to start my diet plan!
Current weight is about 55kg.
I wanna slim down to 50kg!
Is it possible? It is.!
HEHE~ Must have determination what....

Below are my plans:

  1. Gonna cut down on bubbletea intake.

  2. No food intake after 8pm.

  3. Not gonna eat so much rice as rice have more calories.

  4. Eat more vegetables.


People sees that I'm slim cos I cover up them well.
However, my problems are my bulging stomach, big thigh and big butt!
So sad lah, why all my fats gone to those area and why not my boobs? Damn!
Been watching Queen (女人我最大), a Taiwan Beauty programme, on tips to become slim and beautiful. ^~^
Everytime when I saw pretty and slim girl makes me feels jealous and envy of them.

Sigh.. Sux to grow older as my metabolism rate is getting slower. :(
Moreover BF seriously needs to motivate me during weekends and not stuff me with food and supper at night!
Imagine during weekdays I follow my rule and refrain from all those stuff but comes to weekend, I didn't follow them, at this rate my weight will not drop!

Anyway gonna try my best to get my goal of having 50KGS! JIAYOU!

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