Thursday, September 08, 2011

Chemistry? Sparks?

In term of in a relationship, how do you define the above?
Somehow I can't find the feeling...
Not emo-ing, but just curious?

It's been a smooth sailing 3 years relationship, the feeling, its like neutral.
Maybe its because its already 3 years plus so I don't even know the feeling is what anymore.
Is that the feeling of love or just getting use to each other presence?
I don't know...
Sometimes I don't even have any feeling.
Sometimes I feel that I'm not even in an relationship with anyone.
Weird isn't it?

Well, I guess I just gotta be contented and cherish what I have now.
Compared with some of my friends, I know I'm the lucky one.
They envy me while I am envying others.
Its like a cycle like that.

Anyway, its just my thoughts. :)

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