Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Cervical Cancer Vaccination

Engsang and I finally got our 1st dosage of cervical cancer vaccine at AMK Healthway today!
We decided to do it because this vaccination can be claim to Medisave for girls below 25 years old.

During registration, you can just present your IC without any CPF statement.
They will give you forms to fill up and then you can just get your vaccination.

Actually they have 2 types of vaccination.
One is Cervarix and the other one Gardasil.
As explained by the doctor to us, Cervarix protect 2 kinds of HPV infection and HPV-related diseases while Gardasil protect 4 types.
You can google to find it out more.

The doctor also says that some people took the vaccination might encounter severe case.
While some might encounter side effects like sore arms, rashes or fever.

Anyway, both of us decided to go ahead with Gardasil as recommended by the doctor.
FYI, the 3 shots is taken at 0, 2 and 6 months.
After our chat, I was asked to leave the room first while Engsang took her shot.

Then it was my turn, the doctor asked me a few question which he needed to note down for his information.
After which he took out the vaccine and then injected me on my left upper arm.
The needle was very thin, and there was a slight ache when the liquid pumped in.
The process was quick and not that painful.
My arm is now aching slightly when I try to move up but I didn't experience any side effects like swelling, rashes or fever.
So I guess its still good. :)

After the vaccination, both of us can just leave the place without paying.
So I guess the charges will be deducted in our Medisave.
We need to get our 2nd dose on October 2012 and 3rd dose on Feb 2013.

I feel that I need to get myself some protection against these kind of diseases.
So girls, I hope you do it as well because Cervical Cancer is one of a deadly cancer for women.

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